Sunday, February 23, 2020

Realtime online software to see Corona Virus(COVID-19) affected areas, confirmed & recovered cases and deaths.

Corona virus(COVID-19) is an infectious disease originated at Wuhan city of China. It is a fatal virus that hadn't been identified previously in human and is spreading within all over the world instantly.

Is your area affected? Is your beloved one's area affected?
Don't be afraid. 
Now, there's way to get updated about the corona virus affected areas. 

* Affected areas are illustrated in the world map.
* Confirmed cases.
* Number of deaths.
* How many people recovered.
* Most serious area at the moment. 
* Timeline.

This online software is maintained by Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science Engineering with the information from WHO, DXY website, CCDC and Centers for Disease prevention and Control in USA, Europe and China.

You can visit the online tool by clicking here

Posted By Software Guru LankaFebruary 23, 2020