Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Play New Year Games digitally while staying at home.

You all are staying at home now. There's no way to celebrate new year festival. But, Don't worry. A portal is there to play New Year games digitally.  Nestomalt with Arimac digital powered by Mimi games brings traditional New Year games to your fingertips via an app connected with a digital portal. There are six games and also New Year whatsapp stickers can be downloaded from it. You can also view the New Year auspicious times from 'Litha'. Leaderboard will be available when you sign in using your Facebook, Google or Instagram account. 


* Tug-o-War(කඹ ඇදීම)
* Pillow-Fight(කොට්ට පොර)
* Placing the eye to the elipahant(අලියාට ඇස තැබීම)
* Breaking the pots(කණා මුට්ටි බිඳීම)
* Climbing the greasy pole(ලිස්සන ගහ නැගීම)
* Marathon(ගම හරහා දිවීම)

This app can be downloaded by visiting here.

Posted By Software Guru LankaApril 08, 2020